Flooding was a top issue in our recent FOFA Community Survey as it has greatly impacted residents and businesses along 4th Ave, especially in recent years. After our June 17 meeting, we formed a small group of FOFA neighbors who are interested in sharing resources among neighbors about flooding and possible solutions.
Join FOFA @fofa_brooklyn & The City Sponge @thecitysponge for a community conversation on City of Water Day Saturday July 13. We will meet to informally discuss this important topic.
Share your story about flooding. Compare notes and hear how others are learning to live with more water. Find support and resources.
* Sat July 13: City of Water Day - 10-11am
* The Roof Cafe overlooking the Gowanus Canal at Whole Foods Brooklyn
* All welcome: residents & local businesses encouraged to stop by
* Free, registration requested but not required. RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/when-the-water-is-at-your-door-conversation-on-flooding-tickets-936392022747
Hosted by The City Sponge and Forth on Fourth Ave (FOFA)